Locating Your Zwift ID
If you ever need your Zwift ID, here’s how to find it:
You must have completed at least one activity in Zwift to view your Zwift ID.
To find your Zwift ID on Zwift.com, follow these steps:
- Go to zwift.com/feed and if necessary, sign in.
- Select JUST ME.

- Select the most recent activity.
- Select the
- Hover over Download Fit File.
- In the bottom left corner locate https://s3-fit-prd-uswest2-zwift.s3.amazonaws.com/prod/<<Zwift ID>>/<<unique number>>.
- The number <<Zwift ID>> is your Zwift ID.

Follow these steps if you're using a Desktop:
Open your Documents folder.
If you're on a PC, this is in File Explorer.
If you're on a Mac, this is in Finder.
Go to Zwift > cp.
Locate the folder that corresponds to the last time you used Zwift on this computer.
The number after "user" in the folder name is your Zwift ID.
-The Team at Zwift